Understanding the meaning Shodaqoh
Words are easy to say, easy to write and often heard that word shodaqoh. But you know what the meaning and benefits of shodaqoh it? Some people often hear it but do not want to find out and understand what he was hearing. Every human being would want cleverness, intelligence and has advantages in comparison to the others. And without realizing it originally was owned but unconscious. how to be aware of the advantages possessed by learning, Islam meajibkan order to learn well from childhood to the end of life, is not limited in the travel distance. And what distinguishes each person is going to science because the science that would be was appointed drajatnya. In this case then in terms shodaqoh very essential for understand it, so that the charity have a clear basis. So what is it shodaqoh? From Abu Dhar r.a. said, that the companions of the Prophet. said to him: "O Messenger of Allah., rich people have gone rewarding ones. They pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, but they can give charity to have extra money. "Prophet. said, "Did God made you something that can wherewithal? That is, each time the rosary is a charity, every tahmid is a charity, every tahlil is charity, told the kindness is charity, forbidding kemungkaran is a charity, and the intimate relationship you (the wife) is a charity. "The Companions asked," O Messenger of Allah, whether any one of us vent syahwatnya and he rewarded? "the Prophet. replied, "What do you think if he syahwatnya vent on the haram, whether he sinned? Likewise, if you take it out on the lawful, then he got the reward. "(HR. Muslim). Generally shadaqah has a sense menginfakkan treasures in the way of Allah .. Good directed to the poor, relatives of the family, and for the sake of jihad fi sabilillah. Meaning of alms is often shows the meaning give treasures to certain things in the way of Allah., As found in many verses in the Qur'an. Among them is Al-Baqarah (2): 264 and Al-Tawbah (9): 60. Second paragraph above illustrates that the charity has meaning to donate money in the way of Allah. Even on the second verse, Sadaqah is particularly meaningful charity. Even many verses and hadiths that speak of charity, but expressed in terms of charity. In language, charity comes from the word meaning shidq true. And according to Al-Qadi Abu Bakr ibn Arabi, right here is true in relation to sejalannya actions and speech as well as convictions. In a sense like this, likened alms in the hadith: "And charity is a burhan (proof)." (HR. Muslim) Any kind of shodaqoh it, 1. Shadaqah Shadaqah shadaqa comes from the word meaning true. People love to give charity is the true confession of faith. As for the terminology of the Shari'a is the origin of meaning shadaqah tahqiqu syai'in bisyai'i, or define / implement something on something. His manner was voluntary and not tied to certain conditions in both the expenditure regarding the amount, timing and levels. Or the alms done by one person to another, especially to the poor every opportunity open an unspecified type, quantity and time, charity is not limited to providing the material but also can be a useful service for others. Even a smile is done with sincerity to please others, including the category of charity. Shadaqoh has a very broad scope and use of the Koran to include any kind of donation. Sadaqah is any form of virtues which are not bound by the amount, timing and are not limited to the material but can also be in the form of non-material, for example, to remove obstacles in the way, leading the blind, give a smile and a sweet face to his brother, distribute syahwatnya wife. Alms means giving alms, including giving alms to comply with the law where the word zakat is used in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Zakat has also called for donations for charity is a kind of charity that is required, while charity is voluntary, charity collected by the government as a mandatory pengutan, sedegkan other charity paid voluntarily. The number and nisab zakat is determined, while the number of the other charity depends entirely accounted desire. Definition of alms together with the understanding infaq, including any laws and provisions. Only shadaqoh have a meaning broader than infaq. If infaq relating to the material, ALMS has a wider meaning, is also concerned that things that are nonmateriil. Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu
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